Cure 4 Colon Cancer Colorado | #C42023

Discover the Majestic C4 Roadtrip: Capturing Landscapes, Creating Hope

Welcome to my corner of the internet, where the thrill of off-road exploration meets the serenity of untouched landscapes. As I gear up my Ford Maverick and set out on a this journey to the heart of Colorado and Eastern Utah's Red Rock region, I invite you to join me in a virtual expedition that combines the love for nature with unwavering hope and determination.

Come along as I capture the beauty of this region and stand strong in support.

With camera in hand and a passion for the great outdoors in my heart, I am embarking on an exhilarating journey through terrains that are as challenging as they are rewarding. The mountains rise with their majestic peaks, while the canyons weave stories of ancient history. Each photograph I capture is a tribute to the wonders that Mother Nature has sculpted over millennia.

But this journey is more than just about me and my camera—it's about weaving a narrative of hope, resilience, and standing beside those who face life's challenges head-on. As I navigate through rugged landscapes and document their raw beauty, I am reminded of the strength and courage required to confront adversity. My purpose is deeply personal, as I dedicate this endeavor to my sister's ongoing fight against colon cancer.

Transforming Photography into Empowerment: Purchase Prints with Purpose

You have the incredible opportunity to join me on this adventure, not only as a spectator but as a partner in spreading support and positivity. Each photograph available for purchase holds within it the essence of C4’s magnificence, and with every print you buy, you're contributing to a cause that holds a special place in my heart. A portion of the proceeds from each sale will be donated to a colon cancer charity, bolstering efforts to conquer challenges and promote awareness.

Ready to Stand Strong Together?

I invite you to be a part of this extraordinary journey—one that combines the thrill of exploration with the power of collective strength. As I traverse the untamed landscapes and freeze moments in time, I encourage you to explore the collection, select your favorite prints, and become a vital part of this impactful mission.

Together, we can turn photographs into symbols of empowerment and pixels into purpose. Begin your journey of solidarity and impact today.

Start your journey with strength and purpose. Explore the Collection.


Day 1 | McClellan Creek National Grassland | CAMPING

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Day 2 | Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve | DRIVE THROUGH

• Alpine loop

Day 3


Ouray, Colorado

Imogene Pass

Telluride, Colorado - Camp


Rim Rocker Trail

Moab UT

Chicken Corners Trail

Arches National Park - Camp


Grand Mesa National Forest

Leon Lake Dam Road/Trail

Silt Colorado - Camping


Chinns Lake or Bill Moore Lake